Friday, September 24, 2010


The 4th annual Souped Up on Guilderland event will take place on Saturday October 2, 11am-2pm  at Altamont Orchards! Come sample soup from many of the area restaurants and vote on your favorite! We also have space for 10 vendor tables! For $50, vendors can give information and promote their services and products to over 500 people who attend Souped Up On Guilderland at Altamont Orchards. The event is a car show, soup cook off, farmers market and fall festival all in one great opportunity and family fun day! Admission into the soup tent is $5 per person. Also on hand will be a Haunted House, petting zoo, face painting and other family activities.  Email or call 456-6611 for details or email

Ladies Night Out-FREE Admission

Ladies' Night Out is an event being coordinated by Guilderland Chamber of Commerce members. The event will take place on September 30th from 5:30pm-8pm. The goal is to offer a casual evening out for the women of Guilderland and the surrounding area to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Get advice from chiropractors, general practioners, massage therapists, financial planners, and more.  Also enjoy a complimentary Glass of wine and finger foods. Drawings of baskets provided by vendors will occur throughout the evening. Best Western Sovereign Hotel, 1228 Western Ave. Admission is FREE. register here

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September is here!

And things are picking up at the Chamber! Hopefully everyone is back (or almost back!) from summer vacations. We have noticed things are picking up alot more, and we are kicking off some new programs here! You may have heard about our new memebership tiers that went into effect in August. We came up with a way for our members to save more money throughout the year by giving HUGE discounts on events, sponsorships, low-cost advertising and more. There are a few different options, all saving a few hundred dollars. Want more information? Call us at 456-6611 or email

We are also going to be implmenting a new sponsor program. As you may know, our chamber newsletter 'BusinessLine' goes out 5 times a year, this allows for 5 sponsors for each newsletter. You will be able to have your logo and business information in the newsletter that goes out to over 800 people as well as a column about who you are and what you do. Cost is $200 per newsletter.

Also, September is going to be a super busy month for the GCC!
On September 10th join us for our First Friday Business Breakfast with Steven Bouchey or Bouchey and Clarke benefits and  Your News Now finance contributor as he gives us "The State of the Economy". Steven will give this hour long need to know information on the burning questions we all want to know. Is the economy better? Is it getting worse? What is going to happen, and what can we do to prepare? Presentation starts at 8am, with networking at 7:30am. Cost is $5, light breakfast included. GCC offices are located at 2050 Western Ave. in Star Plaza.

On September 16th we will be having our Business After Hours Mixer at Uno Chicago Grill! Come see why Uno's was voted America's Most Healthy Chain Restaurant in 2008 in addition to some great networking!
Cost is $10 for members, $15 for not-yet members. Uno's is located in Crossgates Mall next to Best Buy. The fun starts at 5:30pm!

Apple Fest is September 18th and 19th at Altamont Orchards, Come visit the Chamber Table! We will be there all weekend!!

LADIES NIGHT OUT! September 30th from 5-8pm. Location is the Best Western on Western Ave. For the ladies of the capital region only! Come see vendors who specialise in everything about health and wellness, both mental and physical, including clothing, physical fitness, jewelry, shopping, trips, dental health, financial planning, and more! Cost is FREE! Sponsored by CDPHP, Times Union, Guilderland Medical Imaging, CapitalCare Guilderland, GCC Women in Business.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Find out more about joining the Colonie Guilderland Rotary!! By Guest Blogger, Karl Muller

If you’re looking for a way to give back to the community and help make the world a better place, then come to the “open house” of the Colonie-Guilderland Rotary Club on Wednesday, August 25 from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm at Tesoro’s in 20 Mall (Western Ave. off Route 155). We’ll have short presentations from members about our current projects, such as scholarships for local high school students and Polio Plus, as well as discussions about what it means to be a Rotarian.

Best of all, we’re ordering appetizers! So we can get an accurate count, RSVP to Karl Muller at by Tuesday 8/24 (though you’re still invited if you don’t). Hope to see you there!

To learn more about Rotary in general, please visit

New Membership Options!!!!

NEW from the GCC! Membership Tiers to add MORE value to your membership!

We are kicking off our brand new membership options! This is so you can get more bang for your buck! You can either renew at the regular member price and receive all the regular chamber membership perks, or you can upgrade to one of the three tiers below.

We realize now, more than ever, businesses are looking for ways to stretch every dollar. We wanted to make sure our members feel that their membership is worth it, and to let you enjoy all of the perks of membershp at a majorly discounted price.

Preferred Members: $150 more (a $325 value)

Inclue All Regular Chamber Membership Perks


One insert into one of the Chambers newsletters throughout the year ($100 value)

10 free business after hour mixer passes ($100 value)

5 free passes to First Friday Business Breakfasts ($25 value)

Free year long banner ad on website ($100) value

Presidents Club: $250 More (a $575 Value)

Includes All Regular Chamber Membership Perks


One insert into one of the Chambers newsletters throughout the year ($100 value),

10 free business after hour mixer passes ($100 value)

5 free passes to First Friday Business Breakfasts ($25 value)

Free year long banner ad on website ($100) value

1 First Friday Business Breakfast Sponsorship (say the welcome and have logo in email blast promoting event) $100 value

One month of email blast sponsorship ($50 value)

50% off any sized fix web ad on the Guilderland Chamber website,

Advertising bundle: $100 more (a $250 value)

FREE insert into the Chamber newsletter ($100 Value, just provide the copies)

FREE month long email blast sponsorship ($50 value)

FREE year long banner ad on website ($100 value)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Changes coming to the GCC

There are some new changes coming to the Guilderland Chamber! Keep your eye out this August to see some new members options. Why you ask? Well, the ever changing economy we are trying our hardest to keep your membership low cost and you give you as many options as possible for every budget. We will also be holding a free member benefits breakfast on Friday July 30th at 8am at our offices. You can come and hear about some benefit options you may not know about.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Restaurant Week is at hand!

Our favorite time of year is at hand! No, its not Christmas, it's restaurant week! What other time of year can you try multiple eateries without breaking the bank? Lots of yummy dishes will be prepared for a low price of $20.10 per person, (3 courses!) during the week of July 18th-July 24th at several area restaurants! For more information you can visit Be sure to check back often! The website is updated often with new restaurants and menu's added a few times a week! If you are a restaurant that wants to participate please contact