Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Membership Options!!!!

NEW from the GCC! Membership Tiers to add MORE value to your membership!

We are kicking off our brand new membership options! This is so you can get more bang for your buck! You can either renew at the regular member price and receive all the regular chamber membership perks, or you can upgrade to one of the three tiers below.

We realize now, more than ever, businesses are looking for ways to stretch every dollar. We wanted to make sure our members feel that their membership is worth it, and to let you enjoy all of the perks of membershp at a majorly discounted price.

Preferred Members: $150 more (a $325 value)

Inclue All Regular Chamber Membership Perks


One insert into one of the Chambers newsletters throughout the year ($100 value)

10 free business after hour mixer passes ($100 value)

5 free passes to First Friday Business Breakfasts ($25 value)

Free year long banner ad on website ($100) value

Presidents Club: $250 More (a $575 Value)

Includes All Regular Chamber Membership Perks


One insert into one of the Chambers newsletters throughout the year ($100 value),

10 free business after hour mixer passes ($100 value)

5 free passes to First Friday Business Breakfasts ($25 value)

Free year long banner ad on website ($100) value

1 First Friday Business Breakfast Sponsorship (say the welcome and have logo in email blast promoting event) $100 value

One month of email blast sponsorship ($50 value)

50% off any sized fix web ad on the Guilderland Chamber website,

Advertising bundle: $100 more (a $250 value)

FREE insert into the Chamber newsletter ($100 Value, just provide the copies)

FREE month long email blast sponsorship ($50 value)

FREE year long banner ad on website ($100 value)