Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Your Chamber works with Guilderland Library on Blood Drive

Today, January 28, is the BIG DAY for the GCC Annual Blood Drive 1-6pm at the Guilderland Public Library. This year’s annual Blood Drive needs YOU! Did you know that by donating a pint of blood you can save up to three lives??? It’s a painless process, takes only about an hour from start to finish and this year the American Red Cross is once again partnering with Dunkin Donuts. All donors will receive a coupon for a free bag of Dunkin Donuts Coffee!!! Please seriously consider donating blood and saving someone’s life. Call Cyndy Myers at 456-6611 to sign up or send an email – Last year your donations were 100% over our goal – let’s do it again!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Time is running out to get your flyers to us!

The next newsletterthe winter edition-will be out Mid February. For $100, we will insert your flyer which gets mailed to the full GCC membership!! 650 copies of the flyer are needed in our office by Feb 6.

For members ONLY!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mataraza from Tony Robbins Group to present on January 9

Mike Mataraza, Peak Performance Strategist from the internationally renowned Tony Robbins Group presents: “Unleash the Power Within.” 8:00 am at the Holiday Inn on Western Avenue. This is a Guilderland, Bethlehem and Colonie Chamber special presentation to get you prepared for the New Year on the right foot. This workshop will provide you with the same strategies, communications skills, and physiology used by the world’s top achievers to attain outstanding success and fulfillment. Call 456-6611 for more information.
$15 - Register by clicking right here.