Thursday, April 29, 2010

Across the Street Pub is Chamber's Oldest Member!

Did you know that Across the Street Pub is our Oldest member? That’s right! They were only our 6th member EVER to sign up with the GCC. The pub opened in 1976 with Joe Chriaramonde as the owner. Current owner, Michael Arduini has been with the pub since 1978.

The GCC caught up with Mike recently about the current economy, his business, and what he thinks has contributed to the pubs continued success.

The pub first appealed to College students and was more known as a college bar in the 1980’s. Now they are more of a “restaurant with a bar, versus a bar that serves food”. They did a huge inside renovation around 1985 and had a big overhaul. Now, the pub is a hang out spot for mostly state workers, locals, and students who are looking for a good meal.

Mike believes that customer loyalty has definitely helped in this economy. “With the economy it’s been tough. We find that loyalty helps a lot. We utilize coupon books and have a frequent diner program where our customers can rack up points to get discounts. We have also kept the same high quality food and we cook our own soups and meats. We really have just tried to treat people good over the years” Mike says.

He says to help reward the loyal customers they implemented a ‘frequent diner program’ and coupon books.

When talking about success and loyalty Mike credits much of the pubs success and stabilization to his employees. The pub employees about 27 people. Some of which have been loyal employees for most of those 20+  years.

Have you been Across the street yet? If not, now is the time to go. So stop in at Across the street pub to see Mike and his staff. He recommends the Turkey Club (his favorite) and the chicken wings!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Guilderland Chamber of Commerce Announces Chamber and Town Beautification Award Winners!

Chamber Award Winners

Best Place to Work:

Capital District Transportation Authority

45 nominations from CDTA employees were submitted in a matter of weeks.

Award of Merit:

Altamont Community Tradition(ACT)

This award is designated to an individual or organization whose work and civic activities have significantly contributed to the betterment of the business community. This year ACT proved to be a vital organization in bettering the community in Altamont with such events as Victorian Holiday Events, Village House Tours, and village cleanups among other activities.

Small Business Person for the Year:

Kevin Clancy of Kevin Clancy Real Estate

Kevin Clancy has made a name for himself in and around the Guilderland Community, not just with his Real Estate Business, but by supporting other area businesses and business leaders. He also expanded his business and opened up a new office in March of 2010.

Chamber Champion:

Joanne Hook of CDPHP

Joanne currently serves as the chair of the GCC Women in Business Group. She continues to support the chamber with many events throughout the year as a volunteer, sponsor, organizer, chair, attendee, and leader. She goes above and beyond what is asked of her and you can find her at almost every chamber event.

Town Beautification Award Winners

New Construction:

SEFCU of Altamont

Stop by and pay the staff a visit in their beautiful new building now serving the village of Altamont!

Best Remodel:

Juicy Burger/Reflections Nail Salon

For turning old medical offices into two beautiful spaces. One being a high end burger restaurant, and the other a serene spa for manicures and pedicures.

Worth a Detour:

Forever 21

Located in Crossgates Mall Forever 21, a young women's clothing store recently expanded into a 2 story shop. The attention to detail from the glitter in the floor tiles to the details of the construction on the walls and clothing racks, this store off the beaten path is worth a look even if you don't fancy their fashions.

Best Overall:

Stewarts Shops for the Altamont/155 and 146 Locations

Famous around the region for their ice cream and quick lunch stops in addition to grocery's and fuel, Stewarts win this award not only for their new buildings in the area, but also for the landscape around each of their buildings and eye catching signage.

All award winners will be celebrated and presented with plaques at the Guilderland Chamber of Commerce's Annual Dinner on Thursday, June 10th 2010 at the ALBANY COUNTRY CLUB!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It's Official! Jodee Kenney from Your News Now and Lis Calandrino to Host the Annual Social and Silent Auction!!

You heard right! Both Jodee and Lis have agreed to MC the Cinco De Mayo Social and Silent Auction! This year's event that is hosted by the GCC's women in business group will go to benefit the Guilderland Public Library.  The event will take place on May 5th at the Colonie Country Club. Tickets are $30 for Early Birds, and $35 at the door. Come show your support for the Library, a vital resource to the community, and win some great prizes such as a Cape Cod Getaway, Lake George getaway, gift certificates to restaurants, spa's, tickets to local attractions and MORE!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Open Houses and Charity Events

As usual it's been quite busy here at the GCC! It seems like everyone is having an Open House! Join us this Wednesday Night at 5:30pm to wish the UPS Store at 1971 Western Ave a Happy 21st  Birthday!

The following Morning stop by the Subway in Cosimo's Plaza at 7:30am-8:30am to sample their new breakfast menu! The first 15 People through the door get a FREE goody bag filled with lots of great items!
Both events are FREE and open to the public!!

And Don't forget about our Spring Social and Silent Auction on May 5th at the Colonie Country Club to benefit the Guilderland Library! Lots of great auction items including a Cape Cod getwaway, Lake George Getaway, lots of gift certificates to restuarants and spa's, and More!! Cost is $30 for early birds and $35 at the door!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nominate someone you think deserves to be honored at this years Chamber dinner!

It's that time of year again! NOMINATE your favorite business, person, or public entity for the Chamber Business and Town Beautificiation Awards! Below are the categories and what we are looking for.
Simply Reply back to this email with who in the Guilderland, Altamont, Voorheesville, McKownville, Westmere, or Guilderland Center areas you think are deserving of the awards!
You can email your nominations or visit our website at and download a form.

The Guilderland Chamber of Commerce annually honors local businesses and volunteers who show exemplary qualities in the categories listed below. The awards are presented at the Annual Dinner on June 10, 2010, at Albany Country Club. Please fill out and fax or mail back so that we can consider your nomination!! Best Place to Work Award--Do you ever think that you are a part of a pretty terrific place to work? Is your staff an active and content part of your team? Then your business deserves to be recognized!

Small Business Person of the Year Award -awards an outstanding small businessperson or organization leader for her or his business innovations and accomplishments, managerial skills, leadership, energy and enthusiasm.Nominees must be members of the Guilderland Chamber.

The Chamber Champion Award-recognizes and honors an individual who is considered to be an outstanding volunteer, professional contributor and continued advocate for the Guilderland Chamber of Commerce. This award is given in recognition of their significant contributions to the GCC, for providing direction, offering guidance and giving unselfishly of their time and resources.

The Award of Merit-recognizes a local individual or an organization whose work and civic activities have significantly contributed to the betterment of the business community in Guilderland. All nominees must have demonstrated, through professional and community activities, a commitment to continued enhancement of the Guilderland community.

NOMINATIONS must be returned by April 23, 2010.

Please return the completed form to or email us back the information below to or

Guilderland Chamber of Commerce-2050 Western Avenue-Guilderland, NY 12084-Fax-456-6690

Award Category: Please circle one: Best Place to Work Small Business person of the Year

Chamber Champion Award of Merit

Name of Nominee:________________________________________________________________


City, State, Zip:________________________________________ Phone:____________________

Award Category: Please circle one: Best Place to Work Small Business person of the Year

Chamber Champion Award of Merit

Name of Nominee:________________________________________________________________


City, State, Zip:________________________________________ Phone:____________________

Award Category: Please circle one: Best Place to Work Small Business person of the Year

Chamber Champion Award of Merit

Name of Nominee:________________________________________________________________


City, State, Zip:________________________________________ Phone:___________________

Award Category: Please circle one: Best Place to Work Small Business person of the Year

Chamber Champion Award of Merit

Name of Nominee:________________________________________________________________


City, State, Zip:________________________________________ Phone:___________________

2010 Guilderland Community Beautification Achievement Awards

Objective: To enhance the quality of life in the Town of Guilderland area by encouraging contributions to the

community's physical environment.
Criteria: Nominees must be either a commercial/business or public entity (examples being schools, businesses,

municipalities, etc...) located in the Town of Guilderland (including McKownville, Westmere, Altamont,

Guilderland, Guilderland Center, Voorheesville).

Achievement/Award Categories

New Construction: Construction projects must have been completed during the last 12 months.

Renovation Contribution: Renovation projects must have been completed during the last 12 months.

Worth a Detour: This category speaks for itself. Visually, the aesthetic value of the entity deems it

worthy of a detour off of the beaten path.

Overall: An outstanding achievement award will be presented to recognize the highest

level of beautification excellence across all categories.

Judging will be based on the attractiveness of the building's façade, suitability to site, plantings,

signage, cleanliness and maintenance, as well as use of lighting and other elements.

NOMINATIONS: Nominations must be received at the Guilderland Chamber of Commerce

(GCC) by April 23, 2010. An accompanying photograph is encouraged.

Award Presentations: Awards are presented at the GCC's Annual Awards Dinner on Thursday, June 10,


Complete the nomination form and FAX to 456-6690 to: Guilderland Chamber of Commerce

These awards are sponsored by the Town of Guilderland and the GCC.


Entrant Category: __New Construction __Renovation __Worth A Detour __Overall

Nominee Name: _____________________________________________ Phone: __________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Nominator Name: ____________________________________________ Phone: __________________

Description: Please include exact location, date of completion (for renovation/new construction contributions) and how you

feel this entrant has contributed to beautification of the community. Please provide photograph if possible.





Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mixer kicks off a busy Spring/Summer season at the GCC!

We have all heard of March Madness, but now that March is over, and the final four have all duked it out, what are you going to do now? How about attending one of the MANY events coming up at the GCC in the next few months. We kick off our Spring/Summer season that is FILLED with networking and events this Thursday, April 8th at the Design on 20 Center. 
This space is beatifully designed and features local contractors and businesses specializing in home remodeling, but don't take our word for it, some see this stunning space with your own eyes! ......RSVP at 456-6611, Cost is $10 per person and the event starts at 5:30pm at 2390 Western Ave.

Be sure to check our website events page to see more of our upcoming events as well as member and community events. Or email or call us for more information! check back often, this are just getting started here!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


If you have any comments on this blog at all, or any suggestions for us, please feel free to email Kathy( or Erika(